Removing impacted wisdom teeth to maintain a healthy smile
These are our third molars. They typically erupt around the age of eighteen (18) years. Usually there is insufficient space in our jaws to accommodate them so they get stuck in an awkward position and erupt partially. As a result this can lead to pressure in the jaws and/or infection around the gum of the mouth.
When the tooth has erupted partially through the gum, bacteria can enter through the opening or the pocket around the tooth and can cause the gum to become infected. This can be very painful and typically radiates over the whole of the face where the tooth or teeth are. Painkillers and antibiotics are a temporary solution to this recurring problem. The only long term solution is extraction.
Partially- erupted wisdom teeth are difficult to clean, plaque containing bacteria may form on the surface causing cavities in the wisdom tooth and the adjacent tooth.
Pressure from wisdom teeth might cause crowding and teeth might loose their proper position in the mouth. Then cleaning becomes more difficult and teeth may wear unevenly or may cause structural damage as a result.
Impacted wisdom teeth might form a cyst that is capable of damaging adjacent teeth, the jawbone and nerves. Wisdom teeth could be cause of unknown headaches.
Problems with wisdom teeth develop gradually and symptoms may not be present. The best way to prevent trouble is to visit your dentist regularly for check-ups, x-rays and consultation.
The best time is before roots have been fully developed and that is between 16 and 20 years of age. Removal of wisdom teeth at that age decreases the risk of damaging the nerve in that area.
After your wisdom teeth are removed, a blood clot forms to cover the socket as part of the healing process. If the clot clot dissolves or is washed away, you will probably experience the steady, throbbing pain of a dry socket. If this should occur, call your dentist immediately to get proper treatment. Generally, a dry socket dressing will be placed in the area.
The procedure is done under local anesthetic. If the procedure is complex the dentist may recommend sedation.
It is typical and normal to have pain after wisdom teeth or complex extractions. This is controlled by painkillers taken immediately after surgery or extractions. Because of the invasive nature of the procedure antibiotics will be prescribed.
It is essential to apply an ice pack to the affected side of the face after surgery for a full day.